Don't grieve for me, I've returned to base.
To join my fellow Marines - at the Holy place.
My life's been full, I savored much,
Good friends, and laughs, A loved one's touch.
You can wear your flightsuits, fly a hop each day,
It's a pretty nice place, So I think I'll stay.
I've seen a few who went before me,
The guys from Vietnam are here,
So brave, so young we were back then
I still can shed a tear,
But we're United States Marines,
And there is nothing that we fear.
Oh, … God said the devil is still looking for "Jane",
And yes, I did get to see John Wayne.
So if you happen to get "the calling", And you're at
the pearly gate,
Remember to listen for those rotors, And look for
a squadron mate.
Mrs. "Windy" Paula Page
Note: Major Doug Page, USMC(Ret), died in January 1999
from the after-effects of
Agent Orange. He served in Vietnam with VMO-2 and
The Final Inspection
(Another fitting poem)
(Highest Known Rank Attained)
(Please advise of additions and/or corrections to
this list)
ABEYTA, JOSE G. SSGT 63-64 PHOTOS Ackerman, L. M. - Capt. 65-66 (Maj.) Alderman, Rolet J. "Rolo" - 1stLt. 69-70 Albanese, Thomas J. SGT 2006-2008 Passed on 25 February 2021, added 28 February 2021 Alfier, Donald E. - Sgt. 65-66 (1stSgt)-(Photo, Narrative)-(#2) Allen, Albert N. "Sam Small" MAJ 63-64 Allen, John W. "John Wayne" Cpl 67-69 & Sgt 70-71(Photo, 13 Narratives) 26 APRIL 2016 Anderson, Floyd L. CPL 65-66 (Photo) TAPS Anderson, Glen R. "Andy" - CWO-2 63-64 (CWO-4)-(Photo, Narrative) Anderson, James A. - LCpl. 65-66 (Photo) (Photo) Andrade, Vincent M SGT 68 (Narrative Photo) Obituary 22 Feb 2019 Armor, Rich GySgt 88 Baird, Gary - LCpl. 68-69 Baker, Owen C. "O.C." or "The Mad Briefer" Maj 68-69 (Photo, 5 Narratives Obituary) Baldwin, David w. 1STLT 68-69 ( Passed 25 Feb 2020) (Narrative) Obituary updated 1 March 2020 Bales, Gary A. - HM3 63-64 (Photo) Bannigan, Aloysius J. - Capt. 64 (Photo) Barben, D. L. "Door Slammer" - LCpl. 65-66 (GySgt.) (Photo) Barbier, W. C. "Bill" - Sgt. 68 (Photo) Barnes, Gordon J. - Sgt. 63-66 & 70 (GySgt.) - (Photo, 4 Narratives) Barrett, Bradley "Steve" "Doc" - HM1 70-71 - Taps Page Obituary Bartell, Hubert M. "Black Bart" - Capt. 65-66 (LtCol.)-(Photo, Narrative) Barton, Richard J. "BLACK BART" Cpl 68-69 (Narrative) updated 29 December 2018 Becker, William L. "Bill" - Maj. 70-71 -(Photo) Blais, Kenneth J. "Ken" Sgt. 65-66 (Photo) (Photo) Bland, Richard P. L. - Lt. 63-64, Capt. 67-68 (Col.)-(Photo, 4 Narratives) Bloom, William A. "Crazy Bill" - Cpl. 67-68 -(Photo, Narrative) Bonini, Juan B. - SSgt. 65-66 (Capt.)-(Photo) Booher, Ronald L. "Lee" 67-68 Recent Photo Memorial Site Boumans, Kenneth H. LCpl 63-64 (Photo) updated 22 February 2021 Braddon, John R. Maj 63-64 (Photo, Narrative) Brady, Eugene R. "Gene" LTCOL 69 (Photo, 14 Narratives) Brandt, Steve "Big Dawg" 1stLt 70-71 (Photo) Obituary DOD: 18 October 2023, roster updated 19 October 2023 Brantner, James W. "JIM" GYSGT 67-68 Breazeale, Douglas R. - Cpl. 69-70-(Photo, Narrative) Breeding, Randal W. Sgt 70-71 (Photo) Britton, Larry W. "Slick" 1stLt 68-69 (Photo, 7 Narratives) DOD: 4 October 2023, roster updated 19 October 2023 Brown, Edward Carter "EC"- 1stLt 65-66 (Photo) Brown, Marvin F. "Butch" - Sgt. 69-70 (Photo, Narrative) Brush, Roy E. Sgt 65-66 (Photo) (Narrative) Bryan, James H. "Jim" - Sgt. 65-66 (GySgt.) (Photo)-(Photo) Bubonics, James R. Pfc 63-64 (Photo) (Narrative) Passed on 29 Nov 2020. updated 28 February 2021 Bufton, Earl L. "Buff" - 1stLt. 65-66 (Col.)-(Narrative) Burdick, Charles F. LCPL 68-69 Burrows, William J. - Capt. (LtCol.) 63-64 (Photo)-(Narrative) Buzbee, Kenneth E. "Buzz" - Sgt. 69-70-(Photo)-(Narrative) Byrne, Randall L. 70-71 SGT (passed NOV 2002) 23 June 2019 Cable, Wiley Robert - Maj. 65-66 (Photo, 4 Narratives) Cacoilo, Nilton R. Sgt. 04-08 Cahill, Steve "Sunshine" - 1stLt. 70-71 (Photo) Camper, Ronald B. - 1stLt. 68 Cannon, Charles E - Capt. 63-64 (Narrative) (Photo) Carl, Paul J. "P.J." SGT 63-64 (Photo) (passed 14 Aug '19) updated 17 August 2019 Casciano, Carmine A. "CASH" 1STLT 68-69 (5 Narratives, Obituary) updated 20 May 2021 Case, Floyd E. "RUS" CPL 67-69 (Photo, 7 Narratives) updated 7 September 2020 Cassel, Larry D. - LCpl. 65-66 (Photo) Chamberlin, Donald M."Don" Cpl 68-69 Narrative (#2) (#3) Obituary 1949 - 2022. updated 20 October 2022 Chancey, John A. "Al" MAJ 67-68 (Photo, 15 Narratives) DOD: 22 August 2023, roster updated 25 August 2023 Chico, Christian Capt. 85-88 Christy, L. C. "Chris" - 1stLt. 69-70 (Capt.) Cid, Frank S. - LCpl. 65-66 (Photo) Clack, Robert A. CPL 67-68 Clark, Norman L. "Supertwiget" Boeing Tech Rep 69-70 Clausen, Raymond M. "Mike" - LCpl. (Photo, 6 Narratives) Cohoon, Dean H. "Kahuna" Sgt. 67-68 (Narrative) Colgan, James E. "Jim" Cpl. 65-66 (Photo) Combs, Roger E. "ROSCOE" 1STLT 69-70 (Photo, 4 Narratives, Biography on Wikipedia, Obituary Links 22 AUGUST 2018 Common, Anthony T. "Tim" Maj 69 (2 Narratives) Obituary roster updated 22 Sept 2024 Cornelsion, Kenneth Lee - Cpl. 70-71 (Photo) Cornwall, Larry Alton 67-68 (Photos) Obituary and Recorded Service roster updated 12 JAN 2025 Cox, Delbert J. JR. LCPL 65-66 (passed 7 Dec 2020) (Photo) Obituary 13 December 2020 Cox, George W. Jr. Maj 69 (Photo, 4 Narratives) Obituary updated 7 February 2021 Cox, Richard James CPL. 66-70 (passed May 2001) 23 June 2019 Creque, Gerold L. "Joe" SSGT 63-66 (Narrative) (Photo) Cretney, Warren C. - 64 Crooker, Donald L. "Crook" - Cpl. 62-64 Cunningham, Ernest C. Jr. "Ernie" MAJ 68-69 (6 Narratives) Cunningham, William "Bill"Capt 63-64 (Narrative)(Photo) (#2) Curtis, George T. - Sgt. 70 (MGySgt) Dabney, William. "Bill" Capt. (Hill 881S) 67-68 (Photo, 15 Narratives) Darby, Ronald D. "THE DARB" SGT 68-69 Obituary Dautriel, Ned Louis "Neddy" Cpl 68-69 Reunion Photo DOD: September 2023, roster updated 23 September 2023 Davis, Jay M. Jr. MAJ 69 updated 7 February 2021 Davis Terry J."TJ" CPL 67-68 (passed 06/19) 25 June 2019 Deaton, Herbert W. Pfc 63-64 Denton, Gary "Bofus" - 1stLt. 70-71 (Capt.) (Photo) Dillard, Ralph L. SSgt 69-70 Dodds, George H. - Sgt 63-66 (GySgt) (Photo, 2 Narratives) Dooley, Gerald F. "One Punch" - Maj. (LtCol) 70-71 (Photo, Narrative) Driggs, John Franklin. "Jack" 1stLt 68-69 (Photo, 2 Narratives) updated 4 April, 2022 Dunbaugh, Charles R. "Chuck" LtCol. 69-70 (Photo, Narratives) Duncan, Dennis - 65-66 (Narrative) Dunn, George H. - Capt. 63-64 (Photo) Easton, Michael B. Sgt 69-70 (Photo, Narrative, Obituary) passed on 6 July 2020 Ebert, R. R. "Red" SgtMaj 69-70 (2 Narratives) Edwards, Martin L. - Cpl. 69-70 -(Photo, Narratives) Ehrhardt, Jack S. "DOC SPARKY" HN 68 (6 Narratives) Elliott, Gene T. GySgt 63-64 (Photo) passed 19 Oct 2021. updated 27 December 2021 Elmone, Ron "Floop" 65-66 Eno, Eddie R. - Sgt 63-66 (SSgt.)-(Photo) Ensley, Charles R. "Dick" - Capt. 63-64 (Photo) Espiritu, Antonio, Jr. - GySgt. 68 Estrub, Robert W. Capt ALO/FAC 68-69 Ewing, Earl P. - 1stSgt. 70-71 (Photo) Federer, Bruce I. "Georgia Boy" SGT 69-70(Photos, 3 Narratives) 1 NOVEMBER 2019 FitsgeraldI, J. E. SGT 65-66 (Photo) Fox, James S. - Sgt. 63-64-(Photo, Narratives) Franklin Caril A. Sgt. 67-68 (Narrative) (#2) Frasher, Tom - Sgt. 69-70 Frisenda, Alexander A. Jr. "Al" Maj. 67-68 Gale, Donald C. - SSgt. 63-64 (MSgt) (Photo, Narrative) Garcia, Howard Sgt 63-66 (Photo, 3 Narratives) TAPS Gard, Gary W. 1STLT 67-68 (TAPS Page) Gentry, James E. "Jim" - Sgt. 65-66-(Photo) Gentzler, Gary "Gentz" -SSgt. 68 (GySgt.) (Photo) GLASGOW, JOHN P. COL. USMC(RET) Honorary Purple Fox (Photo, Narrative) Gleason, Richard E. - Capt. 65-66 (Photo, 3 Narratives) Glenn, Gerald V. "Guppy" - Sgt. 63-66-(Photo, 2 Narratives) Goff, Merle A. "Fuzzy" 69-70-(Narrative) Gomez, Ernesto "Gooie" - Cpl. 68-69 -(Photo, 9 Narratives) Graham, Edward W. - Maj. 68-69 - (LtCol)-(Photo, 2 Narratives) Graziano, Neal A. Sgt 64 Obituary updated 12 March 2022, passed Feb 2022 Gross, Kenneth L. "UNCLE HARRY" 1STLT 65-66 (Narrative) (Photo) (#2) updated 1 January 2021 Grossfus, George H. Maj. 68-69 (Narrative) GRUENEWALD, JOHN F. SGT 68-69 (Photo, 7 Narratives) Gulling, Louis A. - LtCol. 67-68 (Narrative, Photo) Gulledge, Franklin A. Jr. Maj. 69-70 (photo, 12 Narratives) Gunnels, Joe E. - 1stLt. 65-66 (Photo, Narrative) Haag, Mike - Hanrahan, John F. Sgt 68-69 updated 27 February 2022, passed 30 Jan 2022 Harrell, Milton W. "Chuck" - Cpl 69-70 (Narrative)-(Photo) Hastings, B. J. - GySgt. 65-66-(Photo) Hiltibran, Jack J. - SSgt. 67-68 -(Photo, Narrative) Hoppe, Charles R. Cpl 65-66 (Photo1, Photo2) Obituary passed 4 October 2020 Hopper, William O. "Bill" - 1stLt. 68-69 (LtCol.)-(Narrative) Hooten, Samuel V. CWO2 -(Narrative) Horawicki, Michael A. PVT 67-68 (Photo, 5 Narratives) Hoshino, Henry "Hank" - 1stLt. 69-70 -(Photo, Narrative) Huebner, James - Cpl. 69 Hummel J.D. - GYSgt. 69-70 (Photo, 3 Narratives) Isaacson, Jerry E. Cpl 65-66 (Photo) (Narrative) Jenkins, Robert K. - Sgt. 63-66 (Photo) Jividen, Larry B. "COIL" 1stLt 68-69 (Photo, 4 Narratives) THIS page for more information. Joffrion, Oscar, Jr. - (Capt.) 63-64 (Photo)-(Narrative)-(#2) Johnson, Larry R. - Cpl. 67-68-(Photo, 2 Narratives) Jones, Fred - 1stLt 70-71 (Photo) Jones, Gerald R. - Cpl. 63-64 (Photo) Kaiser, Rudolph D."Nails" 1stLt 69 (Narrative) (Photo) 1942 - 2022. updated 11 December 2022 Kapustka, Ernest A. Sgt 63-64 (Photo) DOD: 23 June 2016, roster updated 25 June 2023 Kearney, Dennis T. SSgt 67-69 (Photo, 2 Narratives) passed 24 July 2021 Kennedy, Brian Capt 20??-20?? Kenney, John J. "JJ" SSgt 70-71 (Photo) updated 27 February 2022 Kenny, J. Pat "SWIFT CHUCK" 1stLt 70-71 (Photo, 6 Narratives) updated 8 January 2022, passed 6 Jan 2022 Key, Paul D. - Cpl. 67-68 King, James V. Cpl 68-69 (Photo, 8 Narratives) King, Paul K. Sgt 70-71 (Photo) DOD: 31 July 2023, roster updated 19 August 2023 Knight, Ronald A. - Sgt 65-66 (GySgt.)-(Photo, 3 Narratives) Knox, Charlie - Capt. 70-71 (Photo) Koecher, Michael Q. - LCpl. 63-64-(Photo, Narrative) Kozak, Edward J. - LCpl. 65-66-(Photo, Narrative) Kuklis, John R. "JACK THE CAT" Cpl 67-68 (Photo) Lamere, Thomas C. - SSgt. 63-66, (1stSgt.) 70-71-(Narrative)(Photo) Lamoree, Ronald J. Cpl 69 (9 Narratives) Lane, John L. Lane - Cpl. 69-70 (Photo, Narrative) LaRue, Jacob L. "Jay" - 1stLt. 68-69 (Col.)-(Photo, 5 Narratives) LaSac, Leonard L. "Lenny" Cpl 68-69 (Photo, 4 Narratives) DOD: 7 September 2023, roster updated 10 September 2023 Latham, David D. Pfc 63-64 (Photo) LA VOY, JOHN H. "BIG JOHN" LtCol 63-64 (Photo) (Narrative) COMMANDING OFFICER Learned, David A. 1stLt 65-66 (Photo) LeBlanc, David - Cpl. 70-71 (Photo, Narrative) Leslie, Dennis B. - Cpl. 69-70 (MSgt) (Photo, Narrative) Linkous, Jerry L. - Sgt. 65-66 TAPS (Photo) (Photo) Linson, Herbert W. Cpl 63-66 (Narrative) (Photo) TAPS Lobdell, Guy W. - Sgt. 67-68 (Photo, Narrative) Locke, Fredrick A. "Fred" Maj 69 (Photo, 3 Narratives) Long, Charlie Sgt 70-71-(Photo) Love, Peter A. - Capt. 63-64-(Photo, 4 Narratives) Lovett, Louis M. - LCpl. 63 -(Photo, Narrative) Luddy, Tom P. - 1stLt. 69-70 (Capt.)-(Photo, Narrative) Luedtke, Rudy. Brice. 1stLt 65-66 (Photo) (Narrative) Obituary updated 5 July 2021 Maberry, Earnest L. Lcpl 68 Photos passed 27 December 2019 MacHarg, Donald E. 1STlt 68-69 (Photo, 6 Narratives) passed 19 Dec 2021. updated 27 December 2021 Magee, Dave L. Sgt 65-66 (Photo, 3 Narratives) Obituary updated 28 March 2020 Marie, Anthony J. SSgt. 70-71-(Photo) Mann, Daniel I. - Capt. (Photo, Narrative) Mathias, Howard. W. Lcpl 69 (Narrative) updated 16 December 2018 McDonald, Ross A. 1stLt 68-69 (Photo) McGovern, Paul V. 1stLt 63-64 (Photo, Obituary) added 31 July 2022 McLaughlin, Donald R."Mac" Sgt 67-68 PHOTO Obituary updated 21 May 2020 McMahon, Richard L. "Pigpen" 1stLt 65-66 (Photo) Merkley, Royce - Cpl 67-68 Miller, T.J. - (TJ) Cpl 67-68 (Photo, 6 Narratives) Moon, L. W. GySgt 65-66 (Photo) Moore, Earl R. - 1stLt. 67-68 (Capt.) (Photo) Moore, Edward P. "Angry Ed" 1StLt 63-64 (Photo, 2 Narratives) DOD: 12 Dec 2022, roster updated 25 June 2023 Moran, Mathew P. - Pfc. 63-64-(Photo) Mossman, Jack E. - Sgt. 63-66 (Photo) Mott, Preston W. GySgt 67-68 Photo Photo Obituary Mullen, Carl R. "MOON and/or BOY SERGEANT" Sgt 64 (Narrative) 3 August 2018 Munson, Richard E. - Cpl. 63-64 (Photo) Muschette, James JR. 2ndLt 69 TAPS Musick, Richard M. "Moose" 69-70 Nicastri, Michael P. - HM3 USN 64 (Photo, Narrative) Nichols, Donald L. 1stLt 70-71 (Narrative, Photo, Obituary) 1945 - 2011. updated 18 September 2022 Nolan III, Thomas James 1stLt 70-71 (Photo) Obituary Passed Feb 2022. updated 13 August 2022 Oliphant, Jack E. Sgt. 68-69 (Narrative) Orkish, John M. Sgt 63-64 (Narrative) (Photo) Passed on 2 Dec 2020. updated 28 February 2021 Pavan, Donald P. "Dan" SSgt 63-64 (Narrative) (Photo) Parvin, David E. 1stLt 68-69 Payne, Courtney B. 1stLt 68-69 (Photo 13 Narratives) Obiturary roster updated 1 JAN 2025 Peacock, Marvin E. Maj 67-68 Pecukonis, Nicholas S. SSgt 70-71 (Passed in 2007) 23 June 2019 Phillips, Michael W. Capt 68-69 Obituary passed July 2020 Phillips, Weller - 1stLt. 68 Pidock, Gary E. - 1stLt. 69-70 (Photo, 2 Narrative) Pierce, Joseph W. RANK? 68-69 updated 27 February 2022 Pipa, John L. "Jack" Maj 69-70 (Photo, 3 Narratives, & Obituary) updated 15 February 2021 Platts, Ronald K. - Cpl. 67-68 Poynter, Robert G. - Sgt. 63-66 (Photo) Prouty, Cecil M. - 1stSgt. 63-64 (Photo) Psaropoulous, Nicholas - 63 & 69 (Narrative) Rapp, Donald G. Cpl 67-68 Photo1 Photo2 21 Jan 2020 Reddish, James W. - 1stLt. 63-64 (Photo) Reese, Edwyn C. "Charlie" 65-66-(Photo, Narrative) Reilley, Thomas 1stLt 70-71 (Photo) Reiman, Lawrence P. "Larry" Maj. 68 (LtCol.) (Photo, 5 Narratives) Reitz, Ed R. - 1stLt. 65-66 (Photo) Rembolt, David Lee - Capt. 65-66-(Photo, Narrative) Riersgard, Daryl D. 1stLt 70-71 (Photo) The last Vietnam Purple Fox Riersgard's Oral History updated 3 July 2022 Riesterer, David K. "Dirty Dave" 1STLT 69-70 (Narrative) Robertson, Arch A - Sgt. 63-64 Rollings, Dale M. "Mike" Cpl 67-68 Photo Obituary roster updated 17 FEB 2025 Ross, K. G. - Sgt. 65-66-(Photo) Russo, Stephen E. - Cpl. 68-69 (Photo, Narratives) Ryan, Raymond M. - Maj. 63-64 (Photo) Savoie, W. G. GySgt 65-66 (Photo) Scaglione, Peter C. "The Scag" LtCol 70 Schwarz, William O. "BILL" CAPT 69-70 Shane, Robert D. - GySgt. 63-66 (Photo)-(Narrative) Shannon, Michael J. "CASPER" CAPT 85-88 Shore, David R. - 1stLt. 65-66 (Maj.) (Photo)-(Photo) Siemons, Henry K. "Hank" - GySgt. 69-70 (Narrative) Simmons, W. J. SGT 65-66 (Photo) Skibinski, Jerry "Ski2" 1stLt 69 (Index Page) Obituary (online) DOD: 06 November 2023, roster updated 26 November 2023 Skweres, Jeff C. - Cpl. 70 (Sgt.)-(Photo, 2 Narratives) Slaski, Robert J. GySgt 65-66 (Photo) updated 15 May 2022 Sliney, Dennis Cpl. - 70-71 (Photo) Smith, Thomas C. "Tommy" - Cpl. 70-71 (Photo) Snow, George E. Cpl 65-66 (Photo) Obituary updated 18 May 2020 Solan, J. M. Maj 70-71 (Photo) (Notice) Sommerville, Daniel A. "Slim" - LtCol. 66 (Col.) (Photo) Soto, Vic - SSgt. 69-70 (Photo) Sox, Clarence W. Sgt 69-70 (Photo) Spranger, Dave - Sgt. 65-66 (Photo) Springer, Terry L. "T" Cpl 67-68 Photo (4 Narratives) Obituary at Tribute Archive Obituary at roster updated 30 July 2024 Stackhouse, Gary E. "STACK" 1stLt 68-69 (3 Narratives) updated 10 January 2021 Stabley, James. Raymond. CPL 65-66 (Photo) Obituary (passed 12 Dec 2020) updated 13 December 2020 Steadman, Henry W. "Hank" or "SWIFT SIX" LTCOL 70-71 (Photo, 4 Narratives) COMMANDING OFFICER Steinberg, Robert B. "Steiny" Sgt 67-69(Photo, 6 Narratives) passed May 2021 Stewart, James R. "Jim" 1STLT. 69-70 (Narrative) (#2) Obituary Sullivan, Thomas J. "Sully" - 1stLt. 68-69 (Photo, 6 Narratives) Summers, George L. - SSgt. 63-64 (GySgt.) (Photo) Sutler, Lawrence L. - Capt. 69-70 Tewes, Maurice P. Cpl 69 Narrative, Obituary roster updated 1 JAN 2025 Theriault, Richard C. - 1stLt. 63-64(Photo) Thomas, Gerald M."Jerry" Sgt. 63-66 (Photo, 2 Narratives) Thompson, Don - Cpl. 67-68.(Photo, Narrative) Upshaw, Charles R. "Charlie" 1stLt 63-64 (Photo, 3 Narratives) Varner, Raymond J. - Sgt. 63-66-(Photo, Narrative) Verus, Marvin K. - SSgt. 65-66 (Photo) Wamel, William W. - Capt. 63-64 (Maj.)-(Photo)-(Narrative)-(#2) Warbiany, James M. - Cpl. 68-69-(Narrative) Ward, George GySgt 70-71 (Narrative) (Photo) updated 10 December 2018 Ware, Samuel J. "Silverware" - 1stLt. 69-(Photo, Narrative) Warner, James W. "Rat" - Capt. 63-64, Maj. 67-68 (LtCol.) (2 Photos, 2 Narratives) Warren, Goodell P. "Goody" Maj. 63-64 (Photo, Narratives) Waters, W. L. "Muddy" Maj 70 (Photo) (Narrative) Welch, Mark C. Capt 03-05 Op Iraqi Freedom Obituary Wells, John M. Sgt 65-66 (Photo) Welsh, Jerry J. "Raquel" 1StLt 69-70 (Photo, 4 Narratives) DOD: 23 June 2023, roster updated 25 June 2023 White, Jerry "Weasel" - 1stLt. 69-70 (Photo , Narrative) Wilke Edward S."ED" Cpl 65-66 (Photo)(Photo, Narrative) Williams, Benjamin L. "Gentle Ben" 1stLt 69-70 (Photo, 10 Narratives) updated 28 February 2021 Williams, Foyster"Willy" Sgt 69-70-(Photo)-(Narrative) Williams, William M. "WILLY" SGT 67-69 (Photo, 7 Narratives) roster updated 27 January 2024 Wilson, Gene "Willie" - Wolf, Barry Ray - Cpl. 68-69 (Sgt.) Wood, Larry Lee - Cpl. 63-64-(Photo)-(Narrative) Woozley, Tim - 1stLt. 65-66 (Capt.) (Photo) |