Documented Crew Chiefs for 1968
(Compiled from After Action Reports held by the Marine Corps History and Museum Division.)

Color Codes:  Wounded in Action   Killed in Action

Altazan, Kenneth A.  Cpl History Kuklis, John R. Cpl
Allen, John W. Cpl History Labelle, John P.  Cpl Article
Austin, Rick Cpl Luke, Staley R. Sgt
Barker, Robert L. Sgt Mardula, John E. Cpl Photo
Barton, Richard J. Cpl Article McRay, John W. Sgt index
Brush, Arden P. Cpl Melton, James E. Cpl Article  #2
Capuano, Mike Cpl Merkley, Royce Cpl
Case, Floyd E. Cpl History Miller, Ralph D. Sgt Article
Cheatham, L. J.  Cpl History?? Miller, Thomas J. Cpl History
Cirri, Salvatore Cpl History Olson, Ernest J. Cpl Article  #2
Clapper, Jerry D. Cpl Peddy, Charles L. PFC index
Clausen, Raymond M. LCpl History Pestor, Theodore D. Sgt Article  #2
Cohoon, H. Dean Sgt History Polomsky, Phillip E. Cpl Photo
Conner, Gerald W. Cpl History Poulin, William E. Cpl Photo
Copeland, Norman O. Cpl History Reed, James M. Sgt
Cornwall, Larry A. Cpl Reiner, Dean A. Cpl Photo/History
Cross, David A. Cpl Rollings, Dale M. Cpl
Dabrowski, George W. LCpl Shelton, James D. Sgt History
Davis, Terry J. Cpl Photo Shupp, Stephen P. Cpl Article  #2
Delgado, Paul A. Cpl Smith, Carl S. LCpl Article
Edwards, Francis K. Cpl Snook, Daniel R. Sgt Photo
Enterline, Eric R. Sgt Article Souza, Paul A. Cpl Photo
Franklin, Caril A. Cpl Article  #2 Springer, Terry L. Cpl History
Ganey, Jerry D. Cpl Steinbrueker, Rick Cpl Photo
Greenway, C. L. Cpl Steinberg, Robert B. Cpl History
Gumataotao, E. P. Cpl Article  #2 Steward, Larry D. Sgt History
Hanna, Ronnie E. Cpl Taylor, George W. Cpl Photo
Harris , Albert D. Cpl Article Taylor, James C. Cpl History
Hetrick, David P. Cpl Varela, Sienco Sgt Photo
Higgins, John C. Cpl Article  #2 Velleux, Michael E. Cpl Article
Horawicki, Michael A. Pvt Index Venhous, John R. Cpl Photo
James, Edward S. Cpl West, Raymond G. Cpl
Johnson, Larry, R. Cpl Photo Wharton, George W. Cpl Photo  Article
Johnson, M. S. Pvt White, Patrick Cpl
Kearney, Dennis T. SSgt History Young, Randall P. Cpl. History
Key, Paul D. Cpl Articl#2

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