PX Items

After viewing these photos you'll know why your SLJO isn't seen anywhere with a camera in hand.  However the items are of good quality and all proceeds go to maintaining these reunions and paying for any active duty participation when appropriate, also flowers, donations in lieu of flowers to our deceased if the SLJO is advised of death in a time.  A full financial report will be available on request shortly after this reunion has concluded.  Give the SLJO a little time to get all the numbers in.

Items can be ordered and shipped at a slightly higher cost (postage charges), however nothing will be shipped any earlier than 10 October 2011.  I do have coins and a couple of mouse pads available for immediate shipping.

Please click on the image for a larger picture

Walt Wise will have 12-CH46 Mahogany models for sale at Mesquite,
$60/each.   Proceeds will go to our reunion funds.  They are 17 inches in length, 8 inches high at the aft pylon & 3 12 inches in diameter----the rotor blades stick out, but can be removed for storage.  If you want to reserve one, call or email Walt.

These coins are 1 3/4" Challenge coins and we will be selling them for $10.00 for as long as they last.

I have 80 available for immediate shipping add $3.00 for postage.

The has shown is a six panel and your SLJO has opted for a five panel so that there is more room for the logo which is available in both the politically correct "HMM-364" and "Give A Shit".   Your cost is $15.00 
See above for all the good information.
All the shirts are good quality polyester " Sport-Tek" by Port Authority golf shirts.  They are available in sizes from SM to XXXL.  Your cost will be $25.00 plus $2.00 for each X above XL.
Give A Shit Shirt
Politically Correct shirt

The mouse pads are 7 1/2" X 9"
Your cost will be $10.00. 

I have 4 available for immediate shipping add $3.00 for postage.

I have 4 available for immediate shipping add $3.00 for postage.
I have available for immediate shipping add $3.00 for postage.

If you have any questions just ask the SLJNCO

Cover Sheet Muster Hootches Comm. Center Plan of the Day Chow Call Registration
