Another donated flag flies proudly over the hill.
Tonight it will be dried, folded and mailed to the next-of-kin of one of
our "Fallen Warriors."
Photo by, LCpl.
Ronald E. "Ron" Smith
No 'bunny hole' for Cpls. Arrortta,
Terry Smith, or LCpl. Ron Smith. They were in the high rent district,
above ground, overlooking 881N. Any and all scrap was used to reinforce
their bunker.
Photo by, LCpl.
Ronald E. "Ron" Smith
Our last day in the Hill 881S trenches. We are
saddled up waiting for a ride back to Dong Ha. Upon arriving there
we discarded our clothing, showered and donned clean clothes. Upon
passing the pile of abandoned clothes, LCpl. Ron Smith was overheard to
say, "God, we stunk!"
Third person in the center of trench, facing camera,
is LCpl. Ron Smith.
Photo by, LCpl.
Ray Lewis
The CH-46 flight off Hill 881S
was the second most appreciated flight. The 'Freedom Bird' which
took us back to 'The World' was our greatest flight of the thirteen month
stay in Vietnam.
Photo by, LCpl.
Ray Lewis