More troops headed for the field
aboard a "Purple Fox" helicopter during
December 1970.
someone identify the LZ?
Photo by, Cpl.
Nicholas Trosterud
Refueling operation at An Hoa during December 1970.
Photo by, Cpl.
Nicholas Trosterud
This may be Cpl. John Hodges?
out the rear with his "blooper" in hand.
Photo by, Cpl.
Nicholas Trosterud
This apparently was a flight which furnished a meal.
Note the open C-rats. From left, unknown, Cpl.
Hodges? and Cpl. Nicholas Trosterud.
Photo by, Cpl.
Nicholas Trosterud
Stations manned and ready for anything. You
generally didn't have to wait too long for the "anything" to come your
Photo by, Cpl.
Nicholas Trosterud