Sgt. John McRae was the crew chief of YK-11 ("The
Undertaker"). He turned the aircraft crew chief position over to
Cpl. Terry McDade shortly before YK-11 crashed. McDade however was
not crewing that day as SSgt. McSwain had asked to take McDade's place
for the day.
Photo by, Cpl.
James V. King
Fire support base with 105 mm self-propelled howitzer.
Photo by, Cpl.
Martin L. Edwards
YK-21 the "Jungle Bunny" with the mini-gun originally
installed by Sgt. Joe V. "J. J." Johnson. It was some electronic
headache to make it work, but it finally did as indicated by confirmed
kills in red.
Photo by, Cpl.
Martin L. Edwards
Personal calling card of Cpl.
Martin L. Edwards.
Click the card for larger image.
Photo by, Cpl.
Martin L. Edwards
Medical evacuation of wounded
Vietnamese civilians. We also would medevac the enemy for care if
wounded. Everyone hurts with rounds or shrapnel in their bodies.
Photo by, Cpl.
Martin L. Edwards
(Rank) Jerry
Hilmer, one our outstanding metal smiths who kept the birds patched up,
standing in front of the "Animal House."
Photo by, Cpl.
Martin L. Edwards