A sun rise at Phu Bai. I recall a nautical prophecy
which stated, "Red sky at night, a sailor's delight. Red sky in the
morning, sailors take warning." Wonder what sort of day this turned
out to be relative to weather and the enemy.
Photo by, Cpl.
James C. "JC" Taylor
The cockpit of YK-1
Photo by, Cpl.
James C. "JC" Taylor
Cpl. James C. "JC" Taylor is pictured here, but on
the bulkhead of the helicopter to his right is a Playboy centerfold.
"JC" indicates that many Marines, both squadron personnel and Grunts patted
her fanny for good luck. YK-1 was shot down but "JC" recovered the
centerfold and has it hanging in his den to this day.
Photo by, Cpl.
James C. "LC" Taylor
A better image of the Playboy centerfold which shows
she was wounded in the leg and tattered but still hangs in "JC's" den today
for 'good luck.'
Photo by, Cpl.
James C. "JC" Taylor
This photo of Khe Sanh was taken in Sep. '68 after
the base was abandoned in the June time frame. The Air Force had
just recently conducted one of their Arc Light or carpet bombing missions
on the former base and its surrounds.
Photo by, Cpl.
Dean A. Reiner