Pop-a-smoke Patch

Pop-a-Smoke 2022 Reunion (RESCHEDULED)
Nuggets Hotel & Casino
Sparks, NV
24 - 28 AUGUST 2022

The 2022 POP-A-SMOKE, bi-annual reunion in Sparks, NV. There will be a lot Squadrons there including the Purple Foxes. There should be more than enough to keep everyone busy through the entire event. Come catch up with old friends and make some new ones!




(The text box should accommodate as many entries as you require.)


(These registration fees cover the rental of the hospitality suite, beer, wine, soda, snacks, etc.)

(POP-A-SMOKE does NOT cover any of these costs for the individual squadrons.)

4. "ALL HANDS MEETING:" 1000 on Friday, (26 August) in our hospitality Hootch, at the Nugget. Topics for discussion will be future Reunions, Off-Year reunions & and those Foxes who have left us recently.


7. You will have to US Mail Walt your checks. Cut-off date to sign-up & pay-up will be 26 JULY 2022.


Page Created 3 February 2022
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