Officer Candidate Donovan's
Open Letter to Purple Foxes

To all Purple Foxes and their Foxy Ladies

I don't have much time left before I'll be leaving for MCB Quantico and OCS.  In light of this, I thought it appropriate to write a letter of gratitude to my "Uncle Foxes".  I have never met a group of men (or women, for that matter) who were so completely and unquestioningly devoted to each other. 
This love spills over and blesses those of us who are lucky enough to be in the vicinity.  In light of this, I call you my Uncle Foxes since you are all brothers to my father.

I would like to thank every one of the Purple Foxes and Foxy Ladies, you have all helped me along my path towards being an officer of Marines.  While I am not there yet, I feel confident that my goal will soon be realized.  From the minute I decided to join the Marines, I have received nothing but good wishes and support from every Purple Fox with whom I have come into contact.  Even when some roadblocks were thrown in, still the Foxes stood by me.  For this, I thank you.  Be it Courtney Payne's poems, Rich Bianchino's bars, Bill Beebe's practical jokes, Colonel Gene Brady's love and leadership, or a thousand other things, you have all shown me what Semper Fidelis truly means.  I thank you for your service.  I thank you for your help.  Most of all, I thank you for being the wonderful men and women that you are.

Most Sincerely,

Eileen C. Donovan
USMC Officer Candidate OCC-187

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