Marble Mountain Air Facility tower.
Photo by, Cpl.
John D. Crider
Air Force "Jolly Green" taht crashed in DaNang Harbor
January 1970.
Photo by, John
D. Crider
Found this at medevac location, ran over a land mine
west of LZ Baldy with 1 KIA and 3 WIA in February 1970.
Photo by, Cpl.
John D. Crider
Liberty Bridge Outpost February 1970
Photo by, Cpl.
John D. Crider
Enlisted Hooches July 1970, No Balls Slope
Photo by, Cpl.
John D. Crider
USS Tripoli. Troop lift going home on first
cutback of Marine forces Feruary 1970.
Photo by, Cpl.
John D. Crider