Line shack where aircraft commanders reviewed previous
gripes on assigned aircraft, signed for same and discussed same with
crew chief.
Photo by, Cpl.
Warren R. Smith
Waiting for flights to return at the line shack are
left, LCpl. Alston, LCpl. Sides, LCpl. Wood; center Sgt. Robertso; right
Pfc. Miller.
Photo by, Cpl.
Warren R. Smith
End of flight operations and headed back to the line
shack to sign off the aircraft "yellow sheets". Maintenance folks
will go to work again.
Photo by, Cpl.
Warren R. Smith
The Fuel Farm at Da Nang, numerous rubberized bladders
surrounded by dirt berms to contain spills and fire if mortared by Viet
Photo by, Cpl.
Warren R. Smith
Base housing for married ARVN Staff Noncommissioned
Officers who worked on the base in areas such as crash crew and control
Photo by, Cpl.
Warren R. Smith
This is the entrance to the
line shack, flight briefing bldg., and hanger. Note the original
HMM-364 emblem over the entrance. With the palm trees it almost looks like
an exotic resort.
Photo by, Cpl.,
Warren R. Smith