Jeff C. "Tiny" Skweres

Thank you so much for the web site. I am the sister of Jeff Skweres.  I was so surprised to see my brothers  name attached to the web site.  I am very proud of  what  he and  his  squadron did  to save the  lives of those  solders on  the ground.  All of you that served in Vietnam need to have recognition for what you  have  done.  Unfortunately  my  brother  passed 10  years  ago  and  was unable to do this. He was a Marine for life and was a very proud man.  Now I can show his nephews that his  accomplishments  are  still  being  recognized. My other  brother was in  HMM-165  Steven Skweres is  there a  site for them also.   I could not find one.  Again great  appreciation for  you and what you have done for all the Brothers in HMM-364.

Jeff was a wonderful human being and always cared for others. After recieve- ing  his  degree  he  went to  Alaska  to  fish  in the  Bering sea off  of  Kodak Island. He lived on the edge his whole life and cared about the people around him  and always strife to be  the best at  what  he did.  He was the  Capitan of The Shaman  which was  the fishing vessel he sailed.  On several occasions he saved members of his crew. One of  his crewman had fallen over  and Jeff did rescue him from the water.

Jeff was very humble  and did not  like going into great details of his life as a fisherman accept that the danger excited him. The last few years he fished out
of Hawia.  He died from a blood clot to the lung & heart.

I am just pround of  what my brother  has done in his life and that you have honored him in your web site.

Thank You deeply,

Pamela O'Neill

Received 12-05-02

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