Now that I have children I have feelings of what Mr. Henry Fonda must have gone through with his child Jane.  Sorry if it's offending but she too is a child of God at least that is what I pray for----gooie

Ms. Fonda

I have to move on as I’ve promised myself so many times in the past,
I left that green garden a life time ago, of beautiful trails and frail small children,
days that seemed to last forever, and without a doubt,
nights that have lasted the remainder of my life.

I’ve lashed out too often, too loudly, and without respect for others.
For my quiet brothers who with their blood watered those green gardens.
Some volunteered, don’t get me wrong, it was my choice, my only choice.
That country lured me like a pretty young girl or yes even like a wife.

Now I know you disagreed so you fought a different battle,
one you chose to wage with flowers, music, long hair and with bells.
Your beads and shells were highly explosive but then again I don’t
have to remind you, because your anger was most obvious when I  returned.

I must tell you while I live, that at first I took things seriously and personally ,
I just had to make you see things as I do, to persuade you with a vengeance.
And it was my stubborn youth, and a fierce love of my country,
that has driven me to ask about your passion, about your displeasure at our return?

Tell me where could we go?  I couldn’t see in my sanity,
numbly looking for a space to rest, mercy Lord .
There was no place to rest my head, but I did rent space to you; a place I needed for me.
You never paid the rent, but, of course, you’re welcome to stay on.
Your place was secured by fighting men, before you were born.

So, Ms Fonda, time and wars are alike as the years have enlightened me.
During hard times as our Nation was born there were those who served the Union Jack.
Then again during our revolution, our boys called that war by different names.
Then the Mexican wars and the Indian Wars all left scars and  our country wounded and torn.

Now I’ve read and reread all the lies, truths, and myths about that strip of ground,
that laid claim to so many. Relax , I’m not grinding an ax .
I am writing to record my own thoughts. The reason I served has been made clear to me,
so may I put these last thoughts now to paper.

What this nation is about is that all might have a voice, and be able to relate,
any time and without fear else patriotic men and women will respond.
Rest assured there’s plenty of us. At this moment they’re standing a  post,
away from loved ones, to protect that which they find so dear to heart .
Ms Fonda we call that Honor.

I could keep on writing and writing and writing, but it’s all been said,
And it’s all been done.  Our time is coming close to it’s end. Yes another page of history.
People will read what they chose or chose what they don’t want read, and in the end
it will all be forgotten. That is, all but the most important Ms Fonda, will remain, God Country and Honor.

Ernesto Gomez USMC 65-70

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