in the Semper Fidelis Memorial Park I visited the museum today. It is absolutely amazing. We couldn't have asked for a better location for the brick grouping.
Semper Fi, Alan T. Robillard
Webmaster's Acknowledgment We should all send Al Robillard and "Shakey Geroge" Gitcho a big "thank you" for their untiring efforts in managing this project. It was not an easy task considering the time spent for each order as well as the untold time spent coordinating all with the Marine Corps Heritage Foundation (MCHF). Al's e-mail address is: Shakey George's address is: The monument destined for the Semper Fidelis Memorial Park should be delivered during early March 2008. It will then be placed temporarily until a permanent location is allocated by the MCHF sometime in 2009. I will notify you when the monument is temporarily placed and will have some photographs of it also. The most recent update on the monument status is located here: Uncle Frank |
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