The gravesite of "Moose" the Sqdn. Mascot, so
I was told. I'm not sure of the validity of this story as I wasn't
there but it has color and is a good one to be told. It was told
that one night we received harassing mortor rounds on the flight line and
when the sun came up Moose was found KIA. The gravesite was a tribute
to him. I would like to believe it as it was told.
Photo by, Sgt.
Edward R. "Ed" Knoff
Cpl. David "Pretzel"
Bilbrey, tall, lanky and fun to be around.
Photo by, Sgt.
Edward R. "Ed" Knoff
Sgt. Foyster Williams who carried alias' such as "Willie,
Kaintuck, and Kentucky." I can remember when he would get a little
"Tokson Stinko" he would often say, "Don't F_ _K with Kaintuck."
Photo by, Sgt.
Edward R. "Ed" Knoff
Sgt. John McCrea. Who could mistake John.
He is seen sporting his beloved Thompson and his stateside Bianci holster.
Photo by, Sgt.
Edward R. "Ed" Knoff
Sgt.John McCrea
Missy Hue in the Sgt's. Club at Marble Mountain.
Photo by, Sgt.
Edward R. "Ed" Knoff