1stLt. Larry "Slick" Britton returning from another
Photo by, 1stLt.
Glenn F. "Smoke" Burgess
1stLt. Jim Stewart recovering from a hard night at
the O'Club.
Photo by, 1stLt.
Glenn F. "Smoke" Burgess
After recovering, 1stLt. Jim Stewart on his way to
man another CH-46.
Photo by, 1stLt.
Glenn F. "Smoke" Burgess
Clockwise from the left, Jerry Skibinski, Jim Stewart,
"Smoke" Burgess, "Chic" Schoener, Dave Riesterer, and "Chip" Butler.
Photo by, 1stLt.
Glenn F. "Smoke" Burgess
From the helo landing pad of the USS Sanctuary where
the critically wounded were taken. Sign say, "You Find 'Em, We Bind
"Em, Open 24 Hours a Day."
Photo by, 1stLt.
Glenn F. "Smoke" Burgess