To: The Purple Foxes of HMM-364.
From: A Grunt Corpsman Subj.: Vietnam Service. Having served in the Nam as a grunt Corpsman with 1/5 during '68-'69, have used your services, to many times. In the confusion of contact, corpsman were fortunate. We could concentrate on our patients; assessment, treatment, calls for a MedEvac, etc. Only after our platoon mates were loaded and the bird began lifting off did one have a moment. From those moments there are so many images of that Purple Foxe on the tail pylon or just that simple, drab "HMM-364" along the fuselage of your CH-46. Next stop 1st Med Bat, NSA Da Nang, Repose or Sanctuary. We share the curse of the medical and evacuation personnel. We served so many, gave all that we could, only to never know the final outcome. Many of those grunts we served, must have recovered, have raised their families, and now enjoy their grandchildren. That thought makes our efforts worthwhile. Semper Fi. You were our rotary wing angels. Thank you! David F. Keser,
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