Cpl. Sabol took this picture of an Air Force C-123
at Khe Sanh just before it was hit and destroyed on the runway.
Photo by, Cpl.
John Sabol, Jr.
A few days later, the above C-123 is now just another
piece of Khe Sanh's junk pile of various fixed and rotary wing aircraft.
Photo by, Cpl.
John Sabol, Jr.
Resupply missions around Khe Sanh were often preceded
by laying smoke on each side of the helicopter's approach path to the LZ.
Photo by, Cpl.
John Sabol, Jr.
This photograph of Khe Sanh was taken during June
of 1968 just prior to the base being abandoned.
Photo by, Capt.
Earnest Kun
Aug - Oct '68 found Capt. Kun serving with the 5th
Marines as a FAC in the Liberty Bridge area south of Da Nang. This
air strike was called into the Arizona Territory west of Liberty Bridge.
Photo by, Capt.
Earnest Kun